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Nishimura laboratory

Communication through Global Information Networks

Sorry, the most of our laboratory's pages are written in English.
You can find our official name, research area in Japanese, etc. on Words in Japanese page.
研究室正式名称や研究分野名など、日本語での用語の記述が必要な方は、 Words in Japaneseページを御覧下さい。
日本語を主たる言語とされている本学学部学生さんのために、 非公式ながら当研究室の日本語のページを用意してあります。

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* What's new? (11th Jun., 2014)
* Introduction
* Members
* Research Activities
* Geographical Location
* Contact
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* Department of Information & Communication Science(In Japanese), Ritsumeikan University.
* Our unofficial Japanese pages; 非公式ながら当研究室の日本語のページ.
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*Top / Introduction / Members / Research Activities / Geographical Location / Contact

Comments and suggestions to: webmaste­r at gin­.ics.­­.jp